Free Debt widget

Free spinet of code, which will install a debt widget and a debt settlement calculator


There is a debt widget called the debt settlement calculator designed by the Debt Alternative Center to aid both companies who are affiliates of the Debt Alternative Center as well as their clients. This debt settlement calculator helps to give an overview of how much commission the affiliates will be making. It is also very helpful for clients who want to compare the debt settlement programs offered by the Debt Alternative Center and other programs. This article will cover the brief overview of the debt widget called the “Debt Settlement Calculator” by the Debt Alternative Center.

This debt widget is a must for affiliates and sales representative of the Debt Alternative Center to show prospective clients how much they will be saving through the debt settlement program offered by the Debt Alternative Center. There will be a clear table of comparison for the clients to compare between the program offered by the Debt Alternative Center, and other popular debt settlement programs such as taking a consolidation loan, going for credit counseling and Do Nothing. This clear comparison will give insight to clients on how much they will be able to save in the long run if they choose to use the debt settlement program offered by the Debt Alternative Center as opposed to the other traditional alternatives.

All the affiliate needs to do to use the debt settlement calculator is to enter in the total amount of the unsecured debt, the average interest rate and the desired program length into the respective fields and click on ‘calculate’ to be presented with graphs that shows the total amount paid, the total interest paid, the monthly payment and the months to pay off. Right below the four graphs, a clear table is present to show the differences between the program offered by the Debt Alternative Center against Do Nothing, credit counseling and consolidation loan. This gives the client a clear view on how the Debt Alternative Center settlement program could really help them to save a lot.

Affiliates and sales representatives of the Debt Alternative Center will definitely benefit from this debt widget if they install it on their website. It is easy to download this debt widget and install it on your own website. This will help to pull in more clients, as this debt settlement calculator puts them into the light of the clear advantage of using the programs offered by the Debt Alternative Center.

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Who We Are

The Debt Alternative Center offers back-end debt settlement processing for new and existing companies providing debt resolution. Our National backend service also includes FDCPA protection and Debt Resolution, Attorney and Performance Model Debt Settlement, along with IRS Tax Resolution, Defaulted Student Loans and Bankruptcy.

Contact Us

Call us today 877-282-0555, or inquire online. All of our services are FTC & TSR compliant. Our attorney’s have A+ BBB ratings and our back end debt settlement processing service offers the highest splits in the industry. No upfront cost, personal training and marketing support. Contact us today to learn more about our debt settlement net branch and franchise affiliate programs.